June 26, 2010

VBS 2010

The boys went to VBS at the First Church of God this year....the went on a week long 'High Seas Adventure' where the learned about God's Word!

1. God's Word is TRUE!
2. God's Word is COMFORTING!
3. God's Word is SURPRISING!
4. God's Word is LIFE CHANGING!
5. God's Word is FOR EVERYONE!

Each day the kids brought items for Operation Christmas Child....it was a contest between the Boys & Girls. Sadly the girls won.

JJ's and his teacher.

At the Saturday evening service the kids sang songs they learned that week for the congregational.

Eddie was SO into it that he 'Stomped His Feet' right out of his shoes!

1 comment:

  1. Those videos brought a smile to my face this morning....your kids are the cutest! :)
