June 8, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge, NC

In early May we went with my whole family to the Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC. It was a short, but REALLY fun trip!
The lobby of the lodge had a bunch of stuffed wolves....JJ used his dramatization skills to show how frightening they were! :)They had a show in the evening for kids....they were suppose to come down in their pajamas, but ours were all still dressed. 13 cousins!!! - Left to right: Gabriel, Elianna, Alison, Regan, Noah (Nathan's kids), Eddie, JJ, Jamey, Harrison (our kids), Abigail (Joel's baby), Isaiah, Jason & Marcus (Elizabeth's kids). After the "evening show" we had cupcakes for dad's 57th birthday! The next morning before the swimming began, the kids made origami wolves!
The main attraction of Great Wolf Lodge is the huge indoor waterpark!We spent most of the time camped out in the middle of the water area....the kids ran to and fro having a blast! Joel, Denaye & beautiful Abigail!Jamey tried to comfort Noah, who was obviously not happy.
Great Grandpa LOOOVES the babies! Eddie LOVED the wave pool, he would've stayed in there the WHOLE time if we would've let him! The older "kids" had a few competitive basketball games... Nathan and Joel had a race across the floating obstacles.... It was super close, but I think Nathan won! All his army training paid off. :)
By the end of the few days the kids were exhausted!
It was such an enjoyable trip.....it's always a good time when we all get together!

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